After studying I lived in Oslo with a friend named Kari for a while. She loved Kemopetrol (female vocalist, popish almost Lamb-like sound), and hence I ended up with one of their CDs although I ever really only loved one of their songs. We used to sit on the windowledge and drink martini bianco with ice before going to So What! to build our futures, fucked up as we might have believed them to be. I wonder if my search for a So What! replacement will ever end... That was the same summer I decided not to go to Placebo's Black Market Music tour concert in Oslo. I must have had mental problems. Anyway, today someone quite randomly told me that Kemopetrol is a Finnish band. Huh. I never had the slightest idea. Not the most studied one of my CD pamphlets, in other words.
5 years ago
1 comment:
Trenger ikke slike dager igjen, men en fin tid var det så absolutt :)
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